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Creeting St Mary CEVAP School

Anything is Possible (Mark 9 v 23)

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Creeting St Mary Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School

Creeting St Mary CEVAP School

Anything is Possible (Mark 9 v 23)

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Eco Council - Winter into Spring!

    Sat 12 Feb 2022

    Our Eco committee, made up of Ella, Connie, Lennie and Emmie, have been meeting regularly with Miss Knights to discuss things they want to do, and changes we can make across the school to improve our eco status.

    We've been looking at lot at our grounds, and have planted some seed bombs right down the end of the field, in amongst all the new trees. Hopefully these will take and we'll have some nice wild flowers and long grass down that end.

    We've also made some bird feeders, filled with fat balls that are now hanging amongst the trees in the middle of the field. Whilst the pupils aren't using the field because it's too muddy, we thought this was a great time to utilise the bird feeders and encourage them to our space!
    Some pupils have borrowed some of our litters pickers for weekends, to help clean up their local area. We have lots of equipment anyone can borrow, just ask!
    Finally, we will be creating a wild garden space behind the new classroom. This space is used only by Birch class and is unfinished. We all thought some wild flowers to encourage bees and butterflies would work well there!

    Please let us know if you have any ideas you would like to share with the Eco Council!

  • Children's Mental Health Week

    Thu 10 Feb 2022

    February 7th - 11th 2022

    Children's Mental Health Week


    This week we have been joining in with the national Children's Mental Health Week. Each class has been looking at what they already have in place to help the children with their wellbeing and mental health, and also at what we can do more of.

    This year's theme is 'Growing Together'. We have been talking to the children about their emotional growth and what that looks like in terms of progress and change. We have created an installation in the reception area of the school, where we have examples of what relaxes us, written onto raindrops, pouring into flowers, demonstrating how emotional growth works.

    We have also spent time in each classroom, asking the children to write something on some paper that they feel they want to improve at. Could be physical, emotional, practical or just behavioural. These pieces of paper have then been placed in to a small envelope with their name on and put into a photo album. 

    The envelopes aren't sealed, and the idea is we check back on them in  a couple of months to see how much progress has been made. Even if it's something small. 

    We're hopeful that this will be a great demonstration of how working hard towards something can often take time and that's ok!
