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Creeting St Mary CEVAP School

Anything is Possible (Mark 9 v 23)

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Creeting St Mary Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School

Creeting St Mary CEVAP School

Anything is Possible (Mark 9 v 23)


Welcome to Birch Class 2024/25

Hello and welcome to the Birch Class page. Birch Class are taught by Mr Palmer and the teaching assistants are Mrs Marsh, Miss Crockett, Mrs Lockwood and Mrs Pawsey-Fuller.

Birch Class topics Spring 1


Literacy: The Piano, Letter writing, The Manor House

RE: Hinduism: Moksha

Science: Earth and Space

Geography: Human Geography: Trade

Computing: Databases

PSHE: Money matters

Art: 3D: Clay

PE: Swimming (y5) and Handball

Birch Class created collage in the style of Picasso

Some of the finished collages

Birch Class created collages in the style of Gustav Klimpt

In RE Birch Class made wisdom owls to share pieces of wisdom they have learnt

Autumn 2 topics

Literacy: Goodnight Mr Tom, Newspaper reports, Flashbacks

Science: Properties of materials

Computing: Game creator

History: World War II

DT: Rationing food

RE: Wisdom

PSHE: One World

PE: Hockey and Dance

Art: Collage

We have been testing soluble materials and the factors that affect the speed of dissolving.

In Science we were investigating the hardness of materials

Birch Class have made fruit turnovers in DT to help them learn about rationing

Oakerwood update Thursday. Today we did capture the flag, den building and puzzles. Everybody had a good day.

More pictures from Thursday

Oakerwood so far everybody is having a great time

Oakerwood part 2

Birch Class enjoyed their trip to Martlesham Heath Aviation Museum.

Birch Class have been drawing in the style of Frank Auerbach and develop positive and negative space

Class information


PE days will be Monday and Thursday


Music clarinet sessions will be on Tuesday mornings.


Times tables tests will be on Thursday afternoons.


Homework will be due in on Fridays.


Mr Palmer will not be in class all day on Fridays. 

Birch Class made models of the Human heart
