Welcome to Ash Class
Spring Term 2025
Spring Weekly Learning
Week beginning 20th January
We have had a week of bird watching. The children have enjoyed learning about the 'Big Garden Birdwatch'. We used binoculars to spot them and attempted tally marks on a recording sheet. We saw many pigeons and a few blackbirds.
This week we met two new sounds; v for van and j for jelly. The letter formation sheets with words for sound blending will be in the bookbags on Monday.
We have been learning to use the language ‘more’ and ‘fewer’ in sentences when comparing groups. During independent challenges we found 1 more egg/chick or 1 fewer egg/chick than a given number on a nest, consolidating learning from last week.
All children are trying so hard when we write sentences, we have been using sound mats to support us.
We love to celebrate all achievements, we are very proud when children try something new. Taking risks comes in many ways and what is easy for one may feel daunting for others.
Well done Ash Class
Week beginning 13th January 2025
Another busy week in Ash class. We have introduced challenges that the children do independently, they have all really enjoyed having a good go. We continued to look at toys, focusing on old toys, discussing materials and uses of toys.
In maths we have been focusing on number 6, thinking about one more and one less and the various compositions of 6.
Thank you for the photos sent in so far, any family photos welcome, they can be photos with anyone close, siblings or grandparents.
Thank you for all the support with reading at home, we can really see the impact it has on your child.
Week beginning 6th January
Wow, what a wonderful first week back and a fantastic first week for me. Ash class have been superstars and very welcoming.
We had a rock and roll time at the panto with lots of giggles, cheering and booing. The children were a shining example representing the school. Thank you to the PSA for working hard to fund such a special event.
This week we met the new sound ‘b’ for bat and looked at the composition of number 5. Our theme over the next few weeks will be Toys, we started off by discussing our favourite toy and what a toy is for. In Religious Education we talked about what it means to be a Superhero and decided we can all be a superhero by helping others. Can your child remember who and how they want to help?
Autumn Term 2023