If you would like your child to attend our school, please call the school to book an appointment to tour the school so that we can share with you what we do and answer any questions you may have.
Full details of our admission arrangements are outlined below.
Our Pupil Admission Number (PAN) is 15 for all year groups.
If you would like to apply for your child to start school in Reception at the beginning of the next academic year you can find more information at https://www.suffolk.gov.uk/children-families-and-learning/schools/school-places/admissions-to-schools-in-suffolk-for-the-20252026-school-year
Alternatively click on the link below to go straight to the page and make your application. Please return completed Application Forms and Supplementary Information Forms directly to us at the school which we will forward to the Local Authority on your behalf.
If you would like to apply for a place at our school at any point during the current academic year please click on the link below. Complete form ADM1 and return it directly to us at the school.
Applying for a school place 2023-2024
Applying for a school place 2025-2026