Committee Members from 23/9/24
PSA Chairs - Hayley Wright & Nicci Johnson
Deputy Chair - Claire Waterworth
Treasurer - Kat Budinova
Secretary - Louise Brydon
Dear Creeting School Families,
Exciting news!
As the summer term brings summer sun at last, our PSA are starting to make plans for our annual Summer Fayre. It will be held after school on Friday 5th July so be sure to save the date and start saving your pennies!
On a more formal note, you may have read from recent PSA meeting minutes that there has been a re-shuffle within our PSA committee group and we would like to take this opportunity to thank previous members for their hard work and dedication in organising events and fundraising so successfully for our children. Whilst all still a part of Creeting School, we hope that they are able to stay involved in the activities we have planned and to share their invaluable knowledge and experience.
So, the PSA is now arranged as follows:
Co-Chairs – Nicci Johnson & Hayley Wright
Vice Chair – Jodie Barrett
Secretary – Louise Brydon
Treasurer – Katerina Budinova
School representative – Christine Friar
In case you didn’t know, we have a noticeboard beside the main school entrance which will be getting a facelift shortly. All information you need to know about our fundraising efforts and events will be displayed here so please take a look and get in touch if you’d like to be involved!
We have a new PSA email account so be sure to contact us if you want to have your say.
And lastly, do you follow our socials? We are on Facebook and Instagram with information and reminders of upcoming events as well as helpful links to support you and your kids along the way.
Please follow and ‘like’ to join the ride!
Warm regards,
Your PSA
Bonfire Night Hamper Raffle
Thank you so much to everyone who bought tickets for the Hamper Raffle. We raised over £150! The lucky winner was Sue Lockwood.
Watch this space for more details about our huge Christmas Fayre raffle!
PSA Committee 2023-2024 Interim Positions
Deputy - VACANCY
Treasurer - Sue Lockwood / Kat Budinova
Secretary - Louise Brydon
Class Reps
Reception - Amy Ling-Ames
Year 1 - Louise Brydon
Year 2 - Claire Waterworth
Year 3 -
Year 4 - Jodie Barrett
Year 5 -Beth Parish
Year 6 - Nicci Johnson
PSA Committee 2022-2023
Chair - Felicity Knights
Deputy - Jo Cobley
Treasurer - Sue Lockwood
Secretary - Mary Ransome
Class Reps
Reception -Louise Brydon
Year 1 - Mary Ransome
Year 2 - Nicci Johnson
Year 3 - Jodie Barrett
Year 4 - Beth Parish
Year 5 - Amy Ling-Ames
Year 6 - Sue Lockwood
Summer Fayre - June 18th 2022
What a fantastic day we had!
Our first Summer Fayre for 3 years, and it was such a great turn out. We started, and ended, the afternoon with some rain, but that didn't seem to stop anyone from enjoying themselves.
We had a bouncy castle, classic fayre games, some local small business stalls and an hour long talent show! We showcased some incredible acts, from singing to gymnastics, ventriloquism to comedy, and magic to karate! The winner, by a unanimous vote, was Isaac in Year 1 with his jokes, perfectly delivered! Well done Isaac.
Thank you to all who entered, we're looking at planning something bigger soon!
Many thanks go to everyone who turned up and spent their money, helping us raise funds for this lovely school. Especially to the PSA team and the volunteers without who this event would literally not have happened!
Christmas is just around the corner, and the planning starts now....!
PSA AGM - October 12th
Following on from a successful AGM via Zoom on October 12th, Sue Lockwood has stepped down from being chair of the PSA. Sue has completed 4 years recently, having already completed another 2 when her eldest son was at Creeting.
Felicity Knights has stepped into the role.
The committee is now the following
Chair - Felicity Knights
Vice Chair - Jo Cobley
Secretary - Jemma Collins
Treasurer - Rob Hancock
More details to follow, and as always dates can be found on the school calendar.
Another very successful Hamper Raffle at Christmas! Thank you to all who bought tickets.
We are now in the planning stages for the rest of the school year and looking ahead to *hopefully* a year where we can do more physical events and fundraisers.
We are hoping to hold a Mini Spring Market towards the end of March, where we have various stalls in the playground, including some games, the Easter Raffle, and some stalls run by our very own pupils!
We're also hoping to hold a school disco, in the middle of May, to celebrate the end of SATS week. More details coming soon...hopefully!
As always, upcoming details and dates can be found in the school calendar.
Thank you so much to everyone who bought tickets for our Easter Raffle - we raised £510! This will go towards the Outside Learning facility, which is well on the way to becoming a reality now! It will be a wonderful addition to our amazing little School.
1st prize was won by Maddie.
2nd prize was won by Mila.
3rd prize was won by Amelia.
Congratulations to you all!
Have a great break and Happy Easter everyone!
We are continuing our fundraising for the new outside classroom. Tickets will be available online, and will be just £1 each!
Look out for more details early next week.
Thank you for your continued support.
The PSA.
The PSA plays a very active part in school life, arranging social events for both children and adults and raising much appreciated funds. The association fosters a very good feeling of fellowship between the parents and the school. As a parent of the school you are automatically a member of this charity.
For further information please contact the PSA chairman c/o Creeting St Mary CEVAP School.
The current Committee members are:
Sue Lockwood - Chair
Jo Cobley - Vice Chair
Rob Hancock - Treasurer
Jemma Collins - Secretary