Welcome to Oak Class!
Welcome to Oak Class. This year Mrs Few is teaching on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday each week and Miss Ashcroft teaches the class on Thursdays and Fridays. Mrs Borrett, Mrs Lockwood, Mrs Icke, Mrs Collins and Ms Knights work with us as TAs during the week - two work with the class in the mornings, and one in the afternoon. Liam is teaching P.E. on Tuesdays - don't forget to bring in your P.E kit!
You can learn more about what we are learning in the termly newsletters below and on the curriculum section of the website.
We are looking forward to an exciting year of learning!
Mrs Few and Miss Ashcroft
Autumn Term Newsletter
Learning at Home
Weekly spellings for this term
Please find below the half termly overviews for spellings for year 1 and year 2 for this term. We know that many parent/carers find these useful to use to help to support their child's learning. Thank you.
Our List of Books to Enjoy
Maths at home with Numbots
Your child will have their own personal log-in to numbots for use at home. Please read the document below for more information. Have fun!
Our Learning Autumn Term 2024
Week Beginning 16th September
This week Oak class have been….
Friday 13th September
The first session of every morning is very busy! We have three different lessons - reading, spelling and maths - all before playtime. Here are some photos from this morning. Year 2s were working on partitioning in maths.
Thursday 5th September
What an amazing day! The children are already working really hard - lots of reading, spelling, writing and number learning today and we started our music unit this afternoon - look at our funny faces on the photos as we were warming up our faces to sing! The new year ones are quickly learning our routines and the new year twos are helping them. We even found time for an extra playtime on the field this afternoon. Well done everyone!