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Creeting St Mary CEVAP School

Anything is Possible (Mark 9 v 23)

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Creeting St Mary Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School

Creeting St Mary CEVAP School

Anything is Possible (Mark 9 v 23)


Welcome to Oak Class! 

Welcome to Oak Class. This year Mrs Few is teaching on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday each week and Miss Ashcroft teaches the class on Thursdays and Fridays. Mrs Borrett, Mrs Lockwood, Mrs Icke, Mrs Collins and Ms Knights work with us as TAs during the week - two work with the class in the mornings, and one in the afternoon. Liam is teaching P.E. on Tuesdays - don't forget to bring in your P.E kit!

You can learn more about what we are learning in the termly newsletters below and on the curriculum section of the website.

We are looking forward to an exciting year of learning!

Mrs Few and Miss Ashcroft


Autumn Term Newsletter

Learning at Home

Weekly spellings for this term

Please find below the half termly overviews for spellings for year 1 and year 2 for this term. We know that many parent/carers find these useful to use to help to support their child's learning. Thank you.

Spring term spellings year 2

Spring spelling second half - year 2

Spring term first half year 1

Spring term second half - year 1

Our List of Books to Enjoy

Books we think you will enjoy - Spring Term

Maths at home with Numbots

Your child will have their own personal log-in to numbots for use at home. Please read the document below for more information. Have fun!

Our Learning Autumn Term 2024

Week Beginning 10th December

This week Oak class have been….

  • Making 9 in different ways.
  • Finding equal groups.
  • Multiplication – 2x table.
  • Making teen numbers using rek n reks.
  • Rehearsing our nativity play.
  • Learning about love and respect in our values morning.
  • Having fun, being creative, enjoying stories during our Funday Friday.
  • Listening to our story of the week.
  • Using different sources to find out why the Fire of London was so big.
  • Learning our weekly spellings and sounds.


Thursday 5th December

Look at our beautiful Christmas baubles made in DT. We hope that you enjoy hanging them on your Christmas trees. 

Friday 29th November

Extra PE today! We enjoyed practising jumping in the hall as part of a gymnastics session.

Friday 22nd November

We're working hard joining fabric together with a running stitch! 

Week Beginning 11th November

This week Oak class have been….

  • Walking to church to pay our respects on Armistice Day.
  • Identifying coins and finding totals.
  • Using a number line to subtract.
  • Making 9 in different ways.
  • Identifying features of instructional texts and planning our own recipes.
  • Practising our common exception words.
  • Talking about how we use our school values – wisdom and perseverance every day.
  • Listening to our story of the week.
  • Completing and improving our scores in our science quizzes.
  • Finding out about growth and life cycles in science.
  • Talking about respect and anti-bullying in our class assembly.
  • Learning our weekly spellings and sounds.

Thursday 14th November

What an exciting day! We were visited by a fire engine and some fire fighters from Needham Market! We learnt about what fire fighters do and wear. We explored the fire engine - sitting inside it, listening to the siren, spraying water with the hose and learned about all the equipment on it. We also learned that smoke detectors should be checked every week - don't forget to do this at home.

Week Beginning 4th November

This week Oak class have been….

  • Subtracting two 2-digit numbers using a range of methods.
  • Using part, part whole models to subtract.
  • Counting in 3s.
  • Enjoying reading and reciting poems about fireworks.
  • Practising our common exception words.
  • Talking about how we use our school values – wisdom and perseverance every day.
  • Listening to our story of the week.
  • Finding out about what our bodies need to stay healthy.
  • Completing experiments in science to find out what happens to our bodies when we exercise.
  • Talking about stereotypes and diversity in our assembly.
  • Learning our weekly spellings and sounds.


Thursday 7th November

Today in our literacy work, we read and listened to the familiar traditional story 'Little Red Hen'. In groups, the children worked together to read and sequence the story - it was quite tricky!

Friday 25th October

Fantastic to see everyone so bright today! Remember to stay safe as the evenings and mornings are dark.

Friday 25th October

Lots of fun today in enrichment PE. Working with Josh, we explored paralympic activities.

Week Beginning 14th October

This week Oak class have been….

  • Adding two 2-digit numbers using a range of methods.
  • Using part, part whole models to add.
  • Counting in 2s.
  • Share writing our own version of the Night Pirate story.
  • Writing our version of the Little Red Hen story.
  • Practising our common exception words.
  • Talking about how we use our school values – wisdom and perseverance every day.
  • Listening to our story of the week - The Snow Leopard.
  • Discussing why kindness is important and how we can be kind to each other.
  • Finding out the difference between friendly jokes, teasing and bullying.
  • Talking about Recycle Week in our assembly and how we can help make a difference.
  • Learning our weekly spellings and sounds.

Week Beginning 7th October

This week Oak class have been….

  • Making 7 in different ways.
  • Using number bonds to help add and subtract.
  • Learning number bonds to 10.
  • Using part, part whole diagrams to show relationships between number sentences.
  • Share writing our own version of the Night Pirate story.
  • Identifying key features in a text – questions, repetition, similes, adjectives, prepositions and speech.
  • Reading our prayers linked to our school values for the term – wisdom and perseverance.
  • Listening to our story of the week.
  • Imagining we are Christopher Columbus on his first voyage across the Atlantic Ocean, writing a ship’s log.
  • Learning about the differences between travel on board a ship in the 15th Century and now.
  • Choosing the best sources to learn most about Christopher Columbus and giving reasons for our choices.
  • Talking about World Mental Health Week in our assembly and how we can look after ourselves in different ways.
  • Learning our weekly spellings and sounds.


Friday 11th October

This week we have started computing lessons. Starting with some on-line safety learning, we have learnt about the importance of telling a grown-up if ever anything is seen online that makes us feel uncomfortable. Year 2s have been helping Year 1s learn how to log-on to our school network on the laptops.

Friday 4th October

In art lessons this week the children have been exploring mark making - drawing lines with different media in response to emotion words and trying to create texture to complete the drawing of a hen. Some amazing work - especially representing texture.

Week Beginning 23rd September

This week Oak class have been….

  • Ordering numbers, using phrases such as ‘greater than’ and ‘less than’.
  • Using known number fact families to check an answer is correct.
  • Writing our first piece of independent writing.
  • Learning how to write sentences with capital letters at the start, full stops at the end and finger spaces between words.
  • Writing prayers linked to our school values for the term – wisdom and perseverance.
  • Listening to our story of the week.
  • Listening to the story ‘Jonah and the Whale’ and linking it to our RE topic.
  • Finding out how we know things about people in the past when we can’t talk to them – using different sources.
  • Talking about International Day of Peace in our assembly and how we can make a difference by being kind and respectful of others.
  • Learning our weekly spellings and sounds.

Thursday 27th September

Lots of fun today adding features to our fire engines - ladders, doors, windscreens, hoses, sirens, lights, number plates...... Tomorrow we will complete our wheel mechanism.

Week Beginning 16th September

This week Oak class have been….

  • Ordering numbers, using phrases such as ‘greater than’
  • Understanding how to partition numbers into tens and ones
  • Making 5 in different ways.
  • Developing fluency with numbers to ten – finding 5 in the numbers 6-10.
  • Writing sentences linked to our story, ‘The Night Pirates’.
  • Learning how to write sentences with capital letters at the start, full stops at the end and finger spaces between words.
  • Learning about what makes us each unique and precious.
  • Listening to our story of the week – The Hardest Word.
  • Finding out about the Jewish New Year and why repentance is important in our RE lessons.
  • Learning about continents and oceans in our Geography lessons.
  • Talking about using kind words to each other in our class assembly.
  • Learning our weekly spellings and sounds.

Thursday 19th September

Today we started our construction project - to make a fire engine! This afternoon everyone has used a junior hacksaw to saw their axles. Great sawing and no accidents!

Friday 13th September

The first session of every morning is very busy! We have three different lessons - reading, spelling and maths - all before playtime. Here are some photos from this morning. Year 2s were working on partitioning in maths.

Thursday 5th September

What an amazing day! The children are already working really hard - lots of reading, spelling, writing and number learning today and we started our music unit this afternoon - look at our funny faces on the photos as we were warming up our faces to sing! The new year ones are quickly learning our routines and the new year twos are helping them. We even found time for an extra playtime on the field this afternoon. Well done everyone!
