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Creeting St Mary CEVAP School

Anything is Possible (Mark 9 v 23)

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Creeting St Mary Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School

Creeting St Mary CEVAP School

Anything is Possible (Mark 9 v 23)


Welcome to Oak Class! 

Welcome to Oak Class. This year Mrs Few is teaching on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday each week and Miss Ashcroft teaches the class on Thursdays and Fridays. Mrs Borrett, Mrs Lockwood, Mrs Icke and Miss Knights work with us as TAs during the week - two work with the class in the mornings, and one in the afternoon. Liam is teaching P.E. on Tuesdays - don't forget to bring in your P.E kit!

You can learn more about what we are learning in the termly newsletters below and on the curriculum section of the website.

We are looking forward to an exciting year of learning!

Mrs Few and Miss Ashcroft


Autumn Term Newsletter

Learning at Home

Books We Think You'll Love Listening To

Weekly spellings for this term

Please find below the half termly overviews for spellings for year 1 and year 2 for this term. We know that many parent/carers find these useful to use to help to support their child's learning. Thank you.

Autumn Term Spelling Patterns

Maths at home with Numbots

Your child will have their own personal log-in to numbots for use at home. Please read the document below for more information. Have fun!

Our Learning Summer Term 2024

Thursday 4th July

The current Ash class and the Year 1s in Oak had a lesson altogether as the new Oak class. The new Year 1s are getting to know the adults and where everything lives in the classroom. They enjoyed painting together and listened to a story. While the new Oak class was working together, the Year 2s spent a session working with Miss Jones, pretending to be in Year 3!

Friday 28th June

Lots of fun today with our enrichment P.E. session - ultimate frisbee!

Thursday 20th June

We've made them! We also enjoyed tasting them - using our preferred dipper to dip with. Lots of brilliant work, following their own recipes and using new skills. Well done everyone!

Thursday 13th June

Continuing with our DT food work, today we wrote recipes for making our own dips and we practised peeling and grating carrots.

Thursday 6th June

Today we've started working with food in DT. Our unit is 'dips and dippers' and today we made a raita as a class and also tasted some other commercial dips. We learnt about which countries they originate from. Tomorrow we will be exploring different dippers, thinking about what makes a good dipper, and we will also be learning about how recipes are organised.

Week Beginning 3rd June

This week Oak class have been….

  • Comparing numbers using <, > or =.
  • Telling the time.
  • Subtracting numbers.
  • Developing fluency with numbers to ten – finding 5 in the numbers 6-10.
  • Playing a range of games that require us to use our phonological knowledge.
  • Finding out about hermit crabs.
  • Listening to the story, ‘A House for Hermit Crab’ and answering questions about the story.
  • Learning what is a physical and human geographical feature, sorting and classifying these.
  • Completing traffic surveys using our knowledge of tally charts and interpreting the data collected.
  • Learning about World Oceans Day and why it is important to look after our planet in our class assembly.
  • Listening to our fiction book of the week – Long Way Home.
  • Learning our weekly spellings.


May/June Half Term

It has been lovely to see your photos of visits to our art work at the Suffolk Show. Thank you for sharing them. Here are some photos which have been sent to us from the Suffolk Recycling team. They have said thank you for our lovely art work and that they enjoyed meeting lots of you.

Friday 24th May

Year 1 beds are all ready and waiting in Oak Class and Year 2 are practising being in Chestnut ready for Year 3. We are having lots of fun playing with our friends so our cuddlies are having to make their own fun without us.

Friday 24th May

This morning Y2 mathematicians sorted 2D shapes using their own criteria. Then the rest of the group tried to work out how they had sorted them. Can you?

Friday 24th May

We had fun outside competing in our Sports Day races this morning!

Week Beginning 7th May

This week Oak class have been….

  • Improving sentences, adding noun phrases to add detail.
  • Creating story maps based on the story, ‘The Hare and the Tortoise’.
  • Planning a new story with a moral.
  • Discussing how we can show people we care – part of our PSHE topic.
  • Using apostrophes correctly in contracted words.
  • Learning how to subtract numbers.
  • Enjoying our PE enrichment session on musical theatre.
  • Answering reading comprehension questions.
  • Learning the correct letter formations.
  • Learning our weekly spellings/sounds.

Thursday 9th May

Our art work for the Suffolk Recycles stand at the Suffolk Show has been collected. If you go to the show and see it, please send us a photo!

Everything we used was rubbish!

Week Beginning 29th April


This week Oak class have been….

  • Making 7 in different ways.
  • Sharing equal groups.
  • Using mathematical language to describe movement and direction.
  • Making repeating patterns.
  • Listening to the story, ‘The Tortoise and the Hare’.
  • Learning how to change verbs into the past tense from their present tense forms.
  • Planting seeds, talking about how best to look after them.
  • Learning about the Jewish festival, Sukkot.
  • Discussing why it is important to be able to work together and how we can become better at this.
  • Thinking about nature and why it is important to respect and protect it in our class assembly.
  • Answering reading comprehension questions.
  • Learning the correct letter formations.
  • Learning our weekly spellings/sounds.




Friday 3rd May

This week we've been having lots of fun working with clay in our art lessons. Here are our Elmer the elephants. We've used two different colours of clay to add detail and patchwork.

Thursday 25th April

Thank you for all your rubbish! We've had great fun today starting our big piece of art work - 'Love Nature'. We also talked about the meaning of reduce, reuse and recycle.

Week Beginning 15th April

This week Oak class have been….

  • Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
  • Finding equal groups.
  • Finding and making one quarter and three quarters of numbers and objects.
  • Listening to the story, ‘Tiger Child’.
  • Acting out the story, working in small groups.
  • Answering questions about the story read, using our inference and deduction skills.
  • Looking in our school grounds for flowering plants and trees. Labelling and using our observation skills to correctly identify different parts of a plant.
  • Discussing who our VIPs (Very Important People) are and why they are important to us.
  • Thinking about the similarities and differences between people with and without disabilities in our class assembly.
  • Answering reading comprehension questions.
  • Learning the correct letter formations.
  • Learning our weekly spellings/sounds.




Thursday 18th April

Today we started some textile work in art. Linked to our literacy story - Elmer - the children created flags using wax crayons and then used fabric dye to add colour to them. They are amazing!
