When your child starts school in Reception they will be accessing the 7 areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. Details on each of the areas, as taught at our school, are provided below.
Within the first 6 weeks of arrival in school all children are assessed against the national Reception Baseline Assessment criteria. Results from this are not shared with the school, or parents/carers, but will be used to identify progress across the primary school years after completion of Year 6 SATs. At the same time the school has developed and uses its own baseline assessment to inform teaching priorities in the first few months. This enables us to best support our children to enjoy their early learning experiences and to make the best start to their school journey.
At the end of the academic year the children are assessed in the 7 areas of EYFS learning using the government's Early Years Foundation Stage Profile. Results from this will be shared with parents/carers alongside their annual school report.