We've had a busy week, with the amazing History off the Page group coming in to lead some workshops with us on both Tuesday & Wednesday.
On Tuesday, Chestnut class were looking at rocks, which included describing, sorting and classifying different rocks; testing for permeability, and soil types, as well as looking at erosion and the building materials used to make our school.
On Wednesday, Key Stage 1, enjoyed a fantastic day looking at the History of Toys. They were able to play with lots of very old toys, some wooden, metal and soft toys. They then did some archaeological excavations to find buried toys which they then lined up in age order, and sorted into types as well.
The afternoon consisted of making versions of old toys, including spinning tops, hook a fish and cup&ball.
We're all very grateful to the PSA for funding these unforgettable expriences for the children, and for the many parent helpers and volunteers who gave up their own time to come and help out.