We are very excited to be able to tell you that we have been awarded a large donation from Crane's in Ipswich. Oak Class' Eli Kennedy's mum, Kat Budinova, works for the company and generously nominated Creeting Primary School PSA just before lockdown.
Following some form filling and anxious waiting, we are now pleased to say that we have received US$4,000, or £3,131.
Mrs Friar and myself were invited to a presentation at Crane House last week, where we received a very large cheque. We told them all about our lovely School and they are thrilled to be able to support us.
This money will be going towards an outdoor structure, designed for use by our nurture groups and also as an outside learning space. It is something that the school has been hoping for for a while and we are pleased that it can now become a reality.
We would like to say a huge thank you to Kat for her nomination and also to Crane's for their generosity.
Best wishes,
Sue Lockwood